How Social Media Could Ruin Your Marriage

How Social Media Could Ruin Your Marriage

In our society, much of our time is spent on social media. We use our time liking, poking, commenting, and friending — but what if those small clicks lead to something more? It is not a far stretch to assume that someone you spend large quantities of your day talking to is someone you are attracted to. The following are all the ways in which your bad habits on social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, can lead to your unfortunate divorce.


This social media platform is notorious for starting fires where there should not be. In fact, it has been recorded that 66 percent of divorces are linked to bad Facebook habits. Jealousy is a very dangerous emotion, and if it’s not tamed, can lead to bursts of rage and a loss of trust.


Liking someone’s photo can be a very innocent action. It’s a good photo; therefore, you liked it. However, to your spouse, it might mean something completely different. You must try to look at it from their point of view. Specifically, you must ask three questions: the first, who is in the picture? If it is one of your exes, that might raise suspicion. After all, we never forget our past loves, so you liking their pictures might be considered a rekindling of your relationship. Even if your ex and you are good friends, make sure you understand how your actions could be interpreted. This leads to the second question: what are they wearing? People in photos, specifically women, wear certain outfits to give a tone to a photo. If you do happen to like a photo where your ex is wearing a sexy Santa costume, that could easily raise a little red flag in your spouse’s mind. The third question involves your own ability to understand what is going on in the image. What is happening in the photo? Poses are the first indicator if the photo is meant to be seductive or innocent. If you’re liking a bunch of your ex’s kissy-face pictures, you might be sending the wrong signals to your ex, as well as your spouse.


One comment, that is all it takes to leave your marriage in shambles. Even if you don’t think your comment could be considered flirtatious, be cautious with what you say. Be clear and concise, and try to use emojis to let the person know what you mean.


Using emojis can be a double-edged sword. They are effective in demonstrating your emotion, but they can be misinterpreted. In no way should you ever use a kissy-face or heart-eyed emoji on anyone but your spouse. Both emojis can be interpreted as love or lust. If you want to keep your marriage intact, do not misuse your emojis. Stick with the generic smiley or laughing emojis. Those are always safe and cannot be misconstrued.


This is by far the least useful feature on Facebook. It has no function other than to annoy or distract the person you are poking. Generally, when someone is poking someone else, it means they want you to pay attention to them, or even message them. Do not poke anyone that is not your spouse or immediate family. And, if you are the one being consistently poked by someone else, make sure you’re both on the same page about where you stand in your relationship. After all, that is why Facebook encourages you to update your relationship status; so everyone knows who you are with and what stage of your relationship you are in.


You should never conduct an intimate message board with someone that is not your spouse. First off, the messages are easy to discover. Most Facebook members leave their accounts open, so it would take nothing for your spouse to accidentally log in to your account and see your messages.

Also, be aware when you are messaging people on Facebook. If you are messaging someone who is not your spouse when they are away or sleeping, that can cause alarm and jealousy. In fact, over one-third of marriages end due to either spouse cheating.


Friending someone you don’t know is a bad idea in any situation — married or not. Facebook is a global platform, and anyone can sign up for an account. You are never sure who you are friending and what their intentions are. It is important that you only friend people that you know, and that understand your value in your relationship. If you are friending a lot of people your spouse would think you’re attracted to, this could make them think that you have lost interest in them. Whether you have or have not lost interest in your spouse, planting the seed of jealousy in your spouse’s head could unravel your marriage.


Beware of Instagram Models

What you like matters. Instagram is known for starting a new form of modeling, in which men and women take compromising photos of themselves for their followers. In a way, these models become celebrities, creating a fan base solely on the content they post. If you are caught liking half-naked posts, it can be guaranteed your spouse will not appreciate it.

Instagram Surfing

Instagram Surfing is when you travel from account to account, liking new content that only leads to more accounts. In a way, you fall “deep” into the Instagram platform, and cannot even remember what you were originally searching for. Instagram surfing can take up your whole day and can significantly upset your spouse. While you were spending your whole day paying attention to strangers, you could have devoted your time to them. Instagram Surfing can be disrespectful of your spouse's time and can cause unnecessary fighting between couples.


Eighty-one percent of social media-related content is eventually used by divorce lawyers as evidence in a divorce case. Anything you comment, like, or post is saved on Facebook. Also, as with any social platform, all content is public for your friends. If you have posted content that could be considered a cause of suspicion, someone can easily screenshot it. This means, that even if you delete it, the image or comment still exists. As a general rule, all content on the internet is permanent. It is wise to always think twice before you add any content to your favorite social platforms.

Secret Accounts

Instagram is often used for multiple purposes. “F-instas” or fake Instagram accounts are sometimes created so the user can limit who is seeing their more confidential content. For example, a finsta will feature foul language, party images, and maybe inappropriate behavior — all content that is not ideal for an employer to see. In these private finsta accounts, members can post whatever they want and know that only their selected followers can see it. However, again, screenshots exist. Any content you post is permanent. It is a good idea to not have a private or secret account because almost always it will come back to bite you.

Be careful with your social media habits. One questionable post or comment could lead to a perfectly good relationship going down in flames. We at Self Legal Group believe that by giving the facts on the dangers of bad habits on social media, divorces and countless broken hearts can be prevented. However, if divorce seems impossible to avoid, our divorce lawyers are here to help you with any of your legal needs. Contact us today!

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